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Volunteer Application

To be completed by the volunteer or with a parent/legal guardian if applicable.

Volunteer Contact Information

Does your employer / school:
Have you ever been charged with or convicted of a crime?

Background Check Authorization


For the safety of our participants and to comply with state regulations, a background check is required for all adult volunteers. Once you are scheduled for an orientation, watch your email for a request for information from Background Info USA.

Guardian Information (if applicable)

Experience & Interests

Do you have experience working with horses?
Do you have experience working with people with disabilities?

Volunteer Consistency


Volunteers are encouraged to volunteer at the same days and times during the entire lesson session. Your volunteer schedule will be arranged following your Volunteer Orientation and Training session.

Check everything you're interested in doing:

We use this to pair you with horses for sidewalking.

What location(s) would you prefer to volunteer at?

Primary Emergency Contact Information

Secondary Emergency Contact Information

Medical Information

Medical Information


Volunteering at PLF may include walking for extended periods of time, jogging short distances, working in hot/humid/cold conditions throughout the year, working with clients who may have mild to severe mental and/or physical challenges, and working with large animals.

If there's anything you'd like us to know to help you have a great volunteer experience or if there's anything else you'd like us to tell EMS in the event that you are unable, please let us know.

Photo Release Consent

I consent to and authorize the use and reproduction by Promise Landing Farm and/or Melwood of any and all photographs and any other audio/visual materials taken of me for promotional material, educational activities, exhibitions or for any other use for the benefit of the program.

Do you consent to the photo release?

Confidentiality Agreement

I understand that all information (written and verbal) about participants at Promise Landing Farm and Melwood is confidential and will not be shared with anyone without the express written consent of the participant (and his/her parent/guardian in the case of a minor).

Do you agree to confidentiality?

Liability Release

WHEREAS, Participant desires to visit the premises of Promise Landing Farm, Inc. (“PLF”), affiliated with Promise Landing Holdings, LLC (“PLH”), Taishoff Family Foundation, Inc. (“TFFI”), and Melwood Horticultural Training Center, Inc. ("Melwood") (collectively “PLF”) which is located at 16900 Claggett Landing Road, Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20774 and 9035 Ironsides Road, Nanjemoy, Maryland 20662 (the “PLF Property”).

WHEREAS, Participant understands and acknowledges that horses are housed, trained, ridden, graze, and engage in other equine activities on and about the PLF Property. WHEREAS, Participant understands and acknowledges that, regardless of the amount and/or quality of training provided to horses, horses are unpredictable animals and there are inherent risks of injury and/or illness to Participant, including serious injury, illness, and/or death, that arise out of or relate to equine activities, such as riding a horse, as well as being next to or in the general vicinity of a horse, as horses engage in dangerous behavior such as kicking, biting, spooking, bucking, falling, and other unpredictable movements.

WHEREAS, Participant understands and acknowledges that there are inherent risks of injury to Participant by being on and about a property where equine activities take place. WHEREAS, despite the risks associated with participating in equine activities, as well as being on or in the general vicinity of the horses, and being on or about property where equine activities take place, Participant desires to avail him/herself of the PLF Property and the amenities and activities made available by PLF, and Participant further desires to assume all risks of personal injury, death, property damage, or other harm or damage associated with the PLF Property and the amenities and activities made available by PLF.


IN CONSIDERATION of being permitted to visit the PLF Property, as well as utilize or otherwise participate in the amenities and activities made available by PLF, including equestrian activities, Participant agrees as follows:

1. Compliance with PLF Rules. Participant shall review the PLF Rules. Throughout the duration of Participant’s visit to the PLF Property, Participant shall comply with the PLF Rules, which are posted in various locations of the PLF Property. These rules include:

1. Barn hours are 7AM-8PM daily.
2. All individuals handling or riding a horse must sign a liability release form.
3. NO smoking or vaping anywhere on the property.
4. All dogs must be leashed at all times.
5. An ASTM/SEI certified helmet and appropriate footwear are required when mounted.
6. Closed-toe, closed-heel footwear is required in the barn and at all times when handling horses.
7. Do not feed anything, including treats, to horses you do not own.

2. Release and Waiver of Claims. Participant, for him/herself, and the Participant’s heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors, and assigns (individually and collectively, the “Releasing Parties”), hereby releases, waives, and forever discharges subsidiaries, and operating affiliates, and each of their current, former, or future directors, officers, employees, shareholders, donors, agents, attorneys, and insurers, as well as each of the foregoing’s successors and assigns (individually and collectively, the “Released Parties”), from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, damages, liabilities, obligations, or other legal responsibilities of any kind, whether known or unknown, in law or equity, based upon, arising out of,  or related in any way to Participant’s visit to the PLF Property, including but not limited to, Participant’s participation in any equine related activities offered by PLF and Participant’s general use and enjoyment of the amenities, facilities, and property
on or about the PLF Property. Participant understands and acknowledges that this is a GENERAL RELEASE AND ASSUMES THE RISK OF PARTICIPATING IN EQUINE RELATED ACTIVITIES.

3. Indemnification and Defense of PLF, TFFI, and Melwood. In the event that Participant violates any of the PLF Rules, any person or entity suffers, endures, incurs, or otherwise experiences any personal injury, death, property damage, or other harm or damage arising out of or related in any way to Participant’s violation of the PLF Rules, Participant shall (a) indemnify and hold harmless PLF for any damages, liabilities, costs, expenses, obligations, or other legal responsibilities PLF bears or otherwise incur with respect to such personal injury, death, property damage, or other harm or damage, whether such damages, liabilities, costs, expenses, obligations or other legal responsibilities are determined as a result of a judgement, settlement, or otherwise, and (b) defend PLF against any claims, demands, allegations, or causes of action filed or otherwise made that arise out of or are related in any way to Participant’s violation of the PLF Rules, where PLF may choose its own counsel.

4. Whereas Clauses are Substantive Terms. There WHEREAS clauses set forth in this Agreement are substantive terms of this Agreement and acknowledgement of those terms is made an express condition of entering into this Agreement.


5. If Participant is a Minor. In the event that Participant is a minor child under the age of eighteen (18) or otherwise unable to consent to this Agreement, the Parent or Guardian signing this Agreement on behalf of the Participant represents and warrants that he/she is the parent and/or legal guardian of the Participant and is an individual who is authorized to enter into this Agreement on behalf of the Participant and be bound by its terms.

6. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, said provision, and only the offending language of said provision, shall be severed from this Agreement and the remaining provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and be enforced to the extent permitted by applicable law. 7. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of the State of Maryland. Any dispute arising out of or related to this Agreement shall be filed and litigated in the District Court of Maryland for Prince George’s County or the Circuit Court of Maryland for Prince George’s County. Participant consents to personal jurisdiction and venue before such courts and waives any defense based on personal jurisdiction, venue, or forum nonconveniens before such courts. Participant acknowledges that this document is a contract and agrees that if a lawsuit is filed against PLF or affiliates for any injury or damage in breach of this contract, the prevailing party shall pay all reasonable attorney’s fees and costs incurred.

8. Acknowledgement. By signing below, and initialing each page where indicated, the individual signing this Agreement acknowledges that he/she has read the entire Agreement, understands its contents, assumes the risks noted in the Agreement, enters into this Agreement as a matter of his/her choice, and does not rely on any representations other than those contained in this Agreement or the PLF Rules.


Do you agree to the liability release?
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